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Insurance in california 2018

Insurance in california
with damages for damages | Prepare promptly before harming others

The people who keep dogs are, of course, concerned about the dogs themselves, but
there is also a risk of "harm to others," then you need to have a solid foundation!
1. Risk of dogs getting hurt by others
2. Damage insurance for dogs
3. Benefits of Dog Damage Insurance
1. The risk of a dog injuring others
As an owner, I worry that my dog ​​will not hurt.
As much as that, maybe I'm worried about "anything else".
It means "harming others".
· I was bitten.
· I went barking all of a sudden and hurt my meter surprised.
· Things from a major house were broken.
Cases suffering from such damages suffered afterwards.
2. Damage insurance for dogs
With this risk, even if you pay a large amount of compensation
, it is necessary to join Pet's Insurance for Pets to reduce costs.
 However, if the owner himself already has car insurance or fire insurance, etc.

As a "Knight" there are things that will pay compensation for damages to your own pets.

In addition to hundreds of yen, there are many insurances that can add these things, so let's check once.
Not all insurance has a "pet okay" contract.
If you're lucky, it might be good.
However, as it is a special contract, it can not be specified with precise compensation conditions.
After that there is the risk of forgetting to activate if you change the main insurance by chance.
3. Benefits of Dog Damage Insurance
If you enter a pet liability insurance, the compensation is complete and safe.
Although also treated as a "knight", since the scope of adaptation is broad, the
pets are compensated for "When things are harmed to others" in various scenes.
~ As an example ~
· Believed someone · Caused injuries to
owned by another
target when it hurt someone else's pet.
Although it is sufficiently attractive as a special contract, the main one is the insurance of the pet itself.
It avoids the risk of illness and injury of the pet itself, so are two birds with one stone.
Incidentally, insurance companies with liability insurance are
· Eippet · Anikom · Axa Direct
These three companies will be representative.

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